Step 1 of Directing Myself
Step 1: Register and start designing website,
Soliciting advice
It seems to me that all throughout life, and through college, I have been responding to a number of requests that have gotten me where I am. Marcia, do this. Marcia, do that. And this is how I finish high school, go to college, choose a career and complete the numerous daily activities that all of this requires.
But what if one discovers that when those external commands stop, one is horrible at commanding one's own direction?
Just because I feel like writing something. maybe this will sound like a complaint, but I'm not complaining. I'm thankful. I'm just also sore from sleeping on the couch. All this North Texas rain and time has sufficiently weakened the roof of my apartment, and has efficiently caused the bedroom to remain in shambles with strategically placed buckets. The couch has been to escape the constant dripping sound of water falling eight feet. So tonight, I'm going to prepare myself for the next deluge promised in a few days. I'm installing string plumblines at the source of the leaks with the weights resting just above the bottom of the buckets. No more dripping noises. And no more waking up extremely sore.
That is all.