Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A subversive moment

My coworker has picked up 3D rendering on the latest AutoCAD suite like a duck takes to water. He sent me his wireframe image for me to work on in Photoshop. While we're still working the kinks out of the logistics (as in, I don't want to have to fill every nook and cranny with a different layer), I was struck with the idea that every rendering I've ever done in Photoshop is lit with a kind, prosaic blue sky and happy trees. But what if we presented a NEW kind of rendering to our client? A more REALISTIC one?

I am pleased to present to you "Projects on the Plains." It'll be a smash hit.


At 6:32 PM, Blogger Even So... said...

Realistic indeed...

At 7:56 PM, Blogger Br'er Bobo said...

I can hardly wait to see what you have for us folks in hurricane country...

At 11:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 1:43 PM, Blogger Connie said...

Clearly, this "speaks" to YOU on so many levels. Of course, I refer to your storm-chasing habits!!!!

As a sidenote, I've SEEN those clouds first-hand--MANY times, right over my humble dwelling! :-)

At 10:20 AM, Blogger mark pierson said...

The sky is ALWAYS blue up here! :-)


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