Thursday, March 01, 2007

How am I blessed???

I was lying awake thinking about this last night...

I live in a palatial apartment, WAAAY too big for the likes of little old me.
My bed is super comfy.
I have my sight.
My legs work well.
I know Jesus.
Jesus knows me.
I could ride my bike every day if I wanted to.
I live very close to an amazing linear park where I get to see the occasional bobcat (my third sighting just a few weeks ago).
I get to walk to work, and go home for lunch.
I have wonderful friends.
I have a very "human" church I can appreciate, even with its flaws. I think that's what makes it a church.
There are so many vegan options so close to me.
I have an entertaining feline.
I got to pay off my car loan sooner than scheduled.
I have my health. Wow.
I am able to memorize scripture.
I have time to read, and the books to do it with.

I could go on, but it is so apparent that I have been truly lavished upon, even with every SPIRITUAL blessing.


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