Wednesday, November 15, 2006


I stole this from a friend's blog, because I don't think he could be more right. I've known this "kid" since not too long after he graduated from high school... I admit, it was a little strange hanging out with someone 8 years my junior. But I got used to it. And I forged an amazing friendship with an amazing person as a result.

And now, here's a word from Captain Impossible:

I often read that people think they can solve social and political issues by human means, that we can improve ourselves. Can we? Here is what I have seen. I have seen fad diets come and go and still every day I watch as more and more people in this nation are diagnosed as obese. I've seen countless self-help books that promise to make you a better person in a certain amount of time, yet violence and depression are on the rise. I've seen conferences, summits, and revolutions to end hunger or poverty or anything else, and I've seen all kinds of statements and promises come as a result, and then watched as absolutely nothing changes. I've seen that the harder we try, the more we fall on our face. Think of it this way. You are trying to remove red dye put in a glass of water. You can try anything from chemical additives to filters, but try as you might, that water is still dyed and it's going to stay that way. It's not until you give up, dump out the dyed water, and ask for a brand new glass of water that you're ever going to see pure water. Everything is broken, and can't really be fixed. That is why all things must be made new.

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