Friday, October 03, 2008

I am convinced

I have become convinced, lately, of a few things...

I am convinced that God is good.

I am convinced that God is sovereignly controlling every circumstance, whether good or evil.

I am convinced that goodness and mercy WILL follow me all the days of my life.

I am convinced that I am exceedingly blessed materially beyond all I could have ever hoped or expected as a young child, when I remember precociously wondering, after an afternoon nap, whether I would be able to take care of myself as well as my parents were taking care of me.

I am convinced that I am exceedingly blessed spiritually beyond all I could have ever hoped or dreamed or expected or understood. There is no way I could have possibly manipulated my way into such blessing, the church I attend, the teaching I sit under, the brothers and sisters I live with this side of eternity... I could not have known, even, that this was where I should strive to be, yet it was graciously given to me.

I am convinced that since life is a gift from God, and all the good things in it, I am to enjoy life and all its good things to the greatest extent. I am to come to my job with the intention of working hard, understanding that any benefit reaped from hard work is the blessing of Providence. The earth is indeed pregnant with good things for us if we endeavour to work it diligently, and this is true with all things when worked diligently.


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