Sunday, February 18, 2007

An unexpected find

In light of my weekend, I'm learning that those who do not love the things of the Lord WILL be deceived.

And that those who are the true church will be brought together to encourage each other. The Lord will orchestrate their encounters with one another to provide the true fellowship that exists between those who have EVERYTHING in common. And by that I mean everything that matters, mostly the Lord Jesus Christ.

They love to talk about Him. They love to learn about Him. They love to serve Him. They love to worship Him. And they want to grow in Him.

I went to a retreat this weekend mostly out of obligation. I lead a singles small group. But I wasn't sure I'd be all that impressed with the spiritual content. And I wasn't, to be sure. But I met someone who is equally concerned for the state of the church, and who shares an equal hunger for the things of the Lord. And THAT was the encouragement I needed. To be encouraged by someone else following the Holy Spirit. I think I am starting to understand what Paul says in 1 Thess 1. He didn't need to be harsh with them. He saw the work of the Holy Spirit in them and was gentle with them, knowing the correction would result from the leading of the Holy Spirit.


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