Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Truth

My task on earth is so difficult, because of my humanity. But it is so simple because of the Holy Spirit.

My task is to tell the truth in all things. Humbly accept, and humbly proclaim that Jesus Christ is not only Savior, but Lord. King. Prince. Ruler. Master.

And to proclaim this BECAUSE everyone's life depends on this one fact. One day everything I contend for here on earth will burn away. The job I do is out of obedience, and not out of personal gain.

To show mercy in all things.


At 4:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Marcia! Thought I'd pop over here!

I saw your book list. The Blessing - that was a huge God thing in my husband's life. He wrote the letter to his father a number of years back, it was a catalyst for healing in their relationship.

I've not read it yet.

PS. I love how you describe yourself on your profile.


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