Tuesday, January 30, 2007


The cat is on a diet.

I'm suffering from TMJ soreness after having my jaw jacked into the "open" position for countless hours last week.

My Lord is wonderful! I just wish I had the backbone to stand up for Him more, or have the words ready to say.

Life seems to move so fast, and yet so slowly. As I count the ever-increasing number of grey hairs on my head, I am grateful to have a constant reminder that my life is but a vapor, a mere mist coming off the kettle. I'll die looking like I'm still 30 (just like my grandmother, though she's still alive), but the grey hair will be a constant reminder of the short time I have to do all the good I know I ought to do.

And the suffering experienced on this earth will be nothing compared to the riches to come.

Ahhh, God is good.


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