Monday, October 23, 2006

And now a word from our sponsor...

Took the MEP portion of the ARE this morning. It was easier than I thought.

But here's the problem.

I don't study. I know I know, I SAY I study, and when I DO try, it is with the purest intentions. It mostly involves collecting a pile of books I think would be a good idea to have a look through.

But I don't.

Not until the weekend before.

Then I cram. But it's not really called cramming. Because you can't cram for a state board exam. You either know it or you don't. The questions are so unpredictable and vary widely.

See, I think by association. It's horrible on conversations and blogging, because I'm usually all over the place. It's also a big hindrance to why I am not teaching right now. I feel, well, ineffective at it because of my associative thinking skills. I chase too many rabbits down too many rabbit holes. But I digress. Again.

I am becoming more and more frightened of architects as a general species. If the National Council of Architecture Registration Boards sees fit to hand me a license, what other associative thinkers who just know how to take a test are out there really practicing architecture???

Anyway, I think I aced it, but I can't do my happy dance just yet.

Have to start studying for General Structures.

hehehe yeah, I said "studying". *wink wink*

(EDIT: Okay, in all fairness, I DID learn a bit about HVAC systems this weekend that might've saved my butt.)

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