So what are you going to do now that you're done testing, Marcia?
Well, after the obligatory trip to Disney World, I think something that has been long on the back-burner ought to be finished. Time to finish old projects.
Can you believe they have the entire question pool with answers for this? My handbook isn't here yet, but I probably won't even crack it once it arrives.
First and foremost, a sinner saved by grace. Young woman grappling with the physical and emotional rigors of adulthood. Living the life I never wanted, and loving every minute of it. Giving every moment to God and trusting in His providence. And running the race for the imperishable crown, only to one day cast it at the feet of Him who won it for me.
Time to finish old projects.
A "Young Ham of the Year" award?
Can you believe they have the entire question pool with answers for this? My handbook isn't here yet, but I probably won't even crack it once it arrives.
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