Wednesday, January 10, 2007

How could I have forgotten???

None of the Christian life is possible without the work of the Holy Spirit. We experience a supernatural conversion that is not without supernatural assistance. There's nothing I can do that would make a completely absurd plan of salvation sound any more appealing to me. If I were to do it simply for the sake of its absurdity to begin with, I could come up with a number of salvation solutions. My reasoning is faulty. But for my own mind to be in agreement with the sacrifice made on the cross for me, the amount of forgiveness and grace that such an act demanded, it MUST be the Holy Spirit's work. For I know that when left alone, I would still be trying on doctrines and theology and perhaps religions like a department store junkie.

I can't say it enough, and i can't use enough "pretty words". I don't want to lead anyone into circular reasoning, nor do I want to introduce anything "new" to anyone. I want to impart the truth and the truth alone. I can't add candles or rituals or words to the power of Christ, and the undeniable work of the Holy Spirit.

I suppose I could describe it, but I wouldn't want to lead anyone into a false religion because they looked in the wrong place for something found in the Word of God. So I won't be so careless with my words. I will only say to read the word of God and to do what it says. A wise man told me that, and I can't think of anything more imperative at this time in our lives.

Live for His glory alone.


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