Two things
First of all, I've come to realize that it is not my "job", per se, to convince anyone of anything. It IS my job, however, to just walk in the straight and narrow path. I was told that not everyone was going to agree with me. So why should I be surprised? I should not be following Christ out of the motive that I will somehow revolutionize ANYTHING or convince large masses of people. I should walk in that way because it honors Christ. It exalts my Lord who bought me, and who saw the mess I am in and saved me while I was still in my mess (and loving it).Now, that becomes difficult to keep in perspective sometimes when someone is trying to convince you of error that they believe to be true. But I'm convinced we're supposed to be "overcomers" who are overcoming SOMETHING.
Second thing? I'm feeling so spiritually drained. I think I understand now why prayer is so important.
That is all.
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